Prophet Muhammad Pbuh – A Mercy for Mankind

“And We (God) have not sent you (Muhammad) except as a mercy for mankind.” (Qur’an 21:107)

“Muhammad (pbuh)” means “the Praiseworthy”. And one of the most suitable name for him as he is deserve all the praises.

The unique characteristics of Prophet Muhammad pbuh :

He who is the best of the children of Adam;

He, who will be the first to be granted intercession;

He, who possesses the honored waseela (lofty position), the fadheela (a rank above the rest of creation) and the maqaam mahmoodaa (raised platform);

He, who was granted the kauthar (a fountain in paradise);

He, who was taken to the highest heaven to meet with his Lord and returned to earth to narrate his encounter;

Allah says in the Qur’an: “And raised high for you your repute” (Quran 94 : 4)

Prophet Muhammad pbuh was born orphan. His grandfather Abdul-Muttalib nsmed him Muhammad, adored him so much. His mother called him Ahmed. It is interesting to note that both Muhammad and Ahmed have the same root ‘H-M-D/ح-م-د ‘ and hence the meaning is very similar. The former refers to someone who is praiseworthy, and the latter means someone who is praised. The Qur’an refers to him with both the names.

Prophet Muhammad pbuh was known as a truthful and trustworthy person before Prophethood. He was known throughout Makkah as “Al-Sadiq, Al-Amin“: the Truthful, Trustworthy one, a title he retained even by those who disbelieved in him after the declartion of prophethood, he was the most perfect man on earth.

The Holy Quran provides us with an accurate description : For I had remained among you a lifetime before it. Then will you not reason?” (Qur’an 10 :16)

Michael H. Hart, the author of “The 100” – perhaps one of the greatest books on the analysis of history ever written, ranked Muhammad (pbuh) as the most influential person in human history.

Muslim iman (faith) would be incomplete unless we love the Prophet pbuh above all else, for we need to seriously reflect on his character, his mission and purpose of his life. Then we realise who he was and how he benefitted us. We have to adopt the same traits in our life that must manifest in our action, obedience, and true emulation of the beloved Messenger pbuh as Allah decreed – in other words through living by his teachings. Then only, we can be a true follower of him, having high respect in our heart that should be revealed by our character and to show our love by sending blessings (darood) on him.

“If you should love Allah , then follow me, [so] Allah will love you and forgive you your sins. And Allah is Forgiving and Merciful.” (Qur’an 3 : 31)

Author: Saeeda Shaikh

I have initiated this site to reach out for all those people who are in search of the purpose and truth of life. My motive is to spread the message of peace and truth as well as to help unite all the people who have awakened to the call of God and are in pursuit of the truth from all idealogies, cultures and religions. I take it as an obligation to invite people to the true purpose of life and let not the affairs of these modern times delude us away from our primary goal of living which is the purpose of humanity. I would greatly appreciate it if you kindly give me some feedback or suggestions for my blog.

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