Life’s Priorities Demonstration

A highly intelligent teacher once conducted a demonstration to teach children about life’s priorities. He began by placing a large jar on the table and filling it with big stones the size of tennis balls. He asked the children if the jar was full, and they all replied, “Yes.” Then, he added small pebbles from another bag and asked the same question, receiving affirmative replies. Next, he poured sand into the jar which easily flowed in it, and again, he asked if there was space left, leaving the children hesitant to reply. Then the teacher took out a water bag and poured water into the jar, continuing until it brimmed to the top. The children watched in amazement as the water filled the spaces between the stones, pebbles, and sand.

The teacher used this demonstration to illustrate that the jar represented our life, with big stones symbolizing family, friends, and health – the most important elements. He emphasized that if we fill our lives with secondary and small things first, there won’t be space for the essential aspects.

A curious child asked about the role of water, to which the teacher responded, “Even when you think you’re full, you can always fit more if you try.” He explained that if we prioritize spending quality time with our family, friends, and taking care of our health as our foundation, we can fill the jar with secondary and other things through careful planning and prioritization, achieving more than one might think.

This demonstration left a lasting impression on the children, teaching them the importance of family and managing the time wisely and making the most of every opportunity.

Author: Saeeda Shaikh

I have initiated this site to reach out for all those people who are in search of the purpose and truth of life. My motive is to spread the message of peace and truth as well as to help unite all the people who have awakened to the call of God and are in pursuit of the truth from all idealogies, cultures and religions. I take it as an obligation to invite people to the true purpose of life and let not the affairs of these modern times delude us away from our primary goal of living which is the purpose of humanity. I would greatly appreciate it if you kindly give me some feedback or suggestions for my blog.

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