Angels Harut and Marut at Babylon: Origin of Magic

“And they followed [instead] what the devils had recited during the reign of Solomon. It was not Solomon who disbelieved, but the devils disbelieved, teaching people magic and that which was revealed to the two angels at Babylon, Hārūt and Mārūt. But they [i.e., the two angels] do not teach anyone unless they say, “We are a trial, so do not disbelieve [by practicing magic].” And [yet] they learn from them that by which they cause separation between a man and his wife. But they do not harm anyone through it except by permission of Allāh. And they [i.e., people] learn what harms them and does not benefit them. But they [i.e., the Children of Israel] certainly knew that whoever purchased it [i.e., magic] would not have in the Hereafter any share. And wretched is that for which they sold themselves, if they only knew. (Qur’an 2:102)

The quoted verse explicitly refutes all allegations made by Bani Israel against Prophet Sulayman (peace be upon him), asserting that Sulayman (pbuh) did not commit any sin or kufr. Instead, it attributes the wrongdoing to Satan.The Quran acknowledges the reality of magic, but Shir/Black Magic involves casting spells by Satan or Jin for malicious purposes. In Islam, all magic is considered forbidden (‘haram’) due to its association with the influence of the devil.

Harut and Marut, mentioned in Quran 2:102, were two angels said to have descended in human form in Babylon, Iraq—the ancient city considered the earliest civilization. Some narratives place them in the time of Prophet Idris pbuh (Babylon), preceding Ibrahim, Musa, and Sulaiman pbuh. The Quran suggests they were a trial, testing people with sorcery, marking the origins of magic in that era.

Allah sent down two angels with the knowledge of how to control or access the Jinn. The angels were allowed to teach anyone interested in studying with them the code and art of magic, but they emphasized a significant disclaimer. The angels warned anyone approaching them that they were a test from Allah, urging them not to commit kufr by studying or learning with us.

The people of Babylon sought knowledge to create discord between a man and his wife, attempting to learn spells for causing division. However, it is important to note that any harm inflicted is ultimately with Allah’s permission. What they acquired had no inherent value unless granted by Allah, emphasizing that the harm they intended wouldn’t prevail without divine consent.

Allah describes it as something they would learn to harm them—what is the ultimate harm? To lose one’s Imaan. It produced no benefit for them, and they already knew that whoever purchases it will have nothing for him at all in the Hereafter. They knew this before they got into it. What a horrible thing they sold themselves for; had they only known

The belief that Harut and Marut taught ‘magic’ or ‘evil magic’ to separate man and wife has no warrant from the Quranic verses. They taught no such thing. Harut and Marut merely possessed some form of knowledge which could be used for both good and evil. Those inclined to evil (shayateen), made use of ‘magic’ (sihr) and the knowledge that Harut and Marut possessed for evil intent and taught those of mankind that were willing to engage in such corruption. There are some fabricated stories against Harut and Marut that have no basis.

“And there were men from mankind who sought refuge in men from the jinn, so they [only] increased them in burden”.(Qur’an 72 : 6)

They studied that which only harms them, and there are no benefits. Magic has zero benefits, unlike alcohol, which has some benefits mentioned in the Quran, but the harm outweighs the benefits. As for black magic, it has no benefits; it is only considered evil. Angels warned that those who acquire such knowledge from them would have no share in the next world.

They literally purchased this world at the expense of the next. And what an evil price they sold themselves for it the only understood. Some individuals, driven by their desires, traded the eternal for the temporary in pursuit of this knowledge. Those who studied it became the first magicians. All msgic that it existent today some how goes back to Babylon. The origin of various forms of magic today can be traced back to Babylon, encompassing different schools of thought, arts, and practices within the realm of magic.

When the Israelites became slaves in Babylon under Nebuchadnezzar, there are historical accounts suggesting that some members of the society turned to magical practices during this challenging period. The community faced both moral and material decline, with engagement in magic and sorcery becoming prevalent. The influence of magic and devils exploited this vulnerability, diverting the attention of the people toward sorcery, symbols and practical rituals. Despite warnings, individuals became fascinated with these practices, ultimately contributing to their spiritual downfall.

It reflects the desperate desire of some people for an enchantment or spell that could break marital bonds, causing discord between spouses.This moral decline reaches an extreme, with people resorting to dark arts to manipulate relationships. The verse highlights the gravity of this ethical deterioration, as individuals engage in such practices, often oblivious to the consequences and heedless of guidance from Allah.

The narrative in these verses underscores the significance of upholding ethical values and remaining vigilant against the allure of dark arts. Falling to such practices can result in severe consequences and spiritual downfall.

The Prophet, peace be upon him, was allowed to experience the effects of magic to provide practical guidance. If the Prophet speaks about magic without apparent awareness, it’s because Allah’s knowledge surpasses our understanding, and the Prophet, pbuh, is under Allah’s protection and guidance through revelation. The reasons for permitting the existence of magic may go beyond our comprehension, and the Prophet would elucidate the intricacies of magic and its effects. Allah revealed two Surahs, namely Surah Al-Falaq and Surah An-Naas, as an antidote to black magic. The Prophet pbuh was falsely accused of practicing magic and sorcery, and the Quran elucidates and disproves these claims.

In Islamic belief, magic, or “sihr,” is considered real and is condemned as it involves seeking supernatural assistance through prohibited means. Jinn, beings created from smokeless fire, exist in Islamic cosmology and are capable of both good and evil. While they are invisible to humans, their interaction with the physical world is acknowledged.

Positive and negative energies, as understood in Islamic teachings, are attributed to the influence of angels and jinn. Positive energies align with acts of worship, righteousness, and following divine guidance, while negative energies are associated with disobedience, sin, black magic, and harmful practices.

Islamic perspectives emphasize seeking protection from harmful influences through prayers, reliance on Allah, and adherence to the Quranic teachings. Believers are encouraged to recognize the unseen forces, maintain a strong connection with Allah, and avoid engaging in practices that may lead to harmful supernatural consequences.

May Allah protect us from the whispers of Satan! Ameen

Importance of Time Management

“The lost time is never found again”. Benjamin Franklin

The CEO entrusted his colleague with multiple tasks, resulting in a backlog of work when he arrived at the office. One day, the colleague humbly asked the CEO why he didn’t assign some tasks to other colleagues. The CEO responded with a single sentence: “Only those who are busy can carry out the tasks effectively.” This statement encompasses the essence of time management.

We often hear that time is money, but in reality, time is everything. Time is the only resource that we can give away but can never regain. Our lifespan is intertwined with our time. Once our life ends, so does our time. The saying, “Time and tide wait for none,” is very true. Time does not wait for anyone; it comes and goes. Time is limitless, unbound by any constraints. Neither money nor position can purchase it. Nothing on Earth can subdue or conquer time.

Time could be our success or failure. We wake up in the morning, and in the blink of an eye, we find the sun setting and night descending. Last week feels like yesterday, and tomorrow is closer than we can fathom. Time is slipping away before our eyes; our resources are dwindling.

Once the ice-seller continuously called out in the bustling marketplace, pleading, “Please, have mercy on me, for my wealth is melting away!” Similarly, human life is fleeting and momentary, slipping through our grasp like melting ice.

Truly, the time granted to us swiftly passes, much like the melting of ice. If we squander or expend it on fruitless pursuits, it shall be an utter waste. Time is our most valuable possession, and with every passing moment, it slips away irretrievably. Hence, we find ourselves at a loss unless we employ it judiciously. We must establish our schedules and prioritize our time wisely.

Each of us has been allotted the same 24 hours. We often find ourselves saying, “I don’t have enough time for this because of that.” Ironically, no one has enough time, regardless of their status or position. Our problems are not caused by limited time but by our priorities.

It is crucial to prioritize our time, distinguishing between what is important and what is urgent. For example, paying a bill is an important task, while answering an urgent but unimportant phone call may not be. Similarly, for a student, studying is important, while participating in sports or going on outings is optional. We need to differentiate between the two and establish our priorities to determine what is truly significant.

Time management is the key to achieving our goals. Time is synonymous with success in today’s world. Whoever has control over their time possesses power. Time is the most precious gift from God, and we should contemplate its significance.

Time is the only investment we make that we can’t reclaim—lost time is irretrievable. Time is capricious; it does not care whether we are winning or losing in life or allowing it to slip away.

While humans have an average life span of 50/60/70 years, time is allocated according to one’s age. Whatever we desire or dream, we must fulfill our aspirations within the time we have; no extra time will be given.

Most importantly, we should identify our purpose in life, which will enable us to spend our time accordingly. Ultimately, we are all accountable for the talents, abilities, and power granted to us. Therefore, time is our most valuable asset, and we should not squander it idly or wander aimlessly.

In conclusion, we should heed the advice to “take benefit of five before five”: our youth before old age, our health before sickness, our wealth before poverty, our free time before being preoccupied, and our life before death. These words serve as a reminder of the fleeting nature of time and the need to make the most of it. By effectively managing our time and prioritizing our tasks, we can make significant strides towards achieving our goals and leading a purposeful life.