Positivity vs Negativity!

“The reality is, happiness in your life depends on the quality of your thoughts”.

Positivity and negativity are two opposing forces that exist in our lives and the world around us. While they may seem to be completely separated and unrelated, they are interdependent and exist in a state of balance.

Positivity and negativity are two contrasting aspects of life that exist in balance. While negativity can serve as a contrast to highlight positivity, just as darkness doesn’t exit but the absence of light create darkness. Same way when positivity is dominated negativity will perish. People can choose to focus on the positive and cultivate a positive outlook, even in difficult situations. By practicing gratitude and embracing a growth mindset, individuals can overcome negativity and maintain a positive outlook. Thus, while both positivity and negativity are important, positivity can survive without negativity if an individual puts effort into maintaining a positive mindset.

In a sense, negativity provides a foil to positivity, giving us a way to understand and appreciate the positive things in our lives. Without the presence of negativity, positivity can become abstract and meaningless. It is only through comparison and contrasts that we can fully appreciate the beauty and value of positive experiences.

Happiness and sorrow are opposite emotions and by focusing on positivity and hope, we can overcome tough times and diminish sorrow. Similarly, when negativity creeps into our thoughts, we should immediately shift our focus to positivity. This helps to reduce negativity in our lives. Negativity and positivity are two sides of the same coin and must be handled with care.

However, this does not mean that negativity must always be present for positivity to exist. Individuals can cultivate a positive outlook on life and find joy in even the most challenging circumstances. This is done by focusing on the good in any situation, practising gratitude, and embracing a growth mindset.

In conclusion, while positivity and negativity are intertwined, positivity can survive without negativity if an individual consciously chooses to focus on the good and cultivate a positive mindset.

The Art of Happiness!

“Happiness is a butterfly, which, when pursued, is always just beyond your grasp, but which, if you will sit down quietly, may alight upon you.”

Our lives revolve around two directions. One is around our personality and the other towards other human beings. One is an an inward manifestation and another is outward manifestation. If our inner being person is happy and satisfied then it will be exhibited in his behaviour and attitude. Just as the flower itself has fragrance so it spread wherever it goes. Similarly, if we have a positive outlook on life so it will not only benefit us individually but also help humanity to grow healthy and positively. If we look around the world, will see every fifth person is suffering from anxiety, stress and depression, we should stop a flood of negative thoughts which is affecting human being potential and productivity. So if every one of us personally should strive to have positive vibes in our life if every person will have this trait then we can at least minimise it. Let’s explore the positive aspect of the term “Happiness” that’s an art of human power of the mental state.

What is happiness?

Happiness is a positive emotional state an endearing feeling characterized by feelings such as contentment, joy, and life satisfaction. Every person has different measures and different levels of happiness. Happiness is a human construct, an abstract idea with no biological basis.

What is the meaning of the word happiness?

The word happiness has many meanings like pleasure, contentment, enjoyment satisfaction, peace etc. These feelings of happiness can’t be expressed in words but they will be seen in our gestures and behaviour.

Is happiness a skill?

Happiness is a skill that can be learned like speaking Spanish or learning computer . It is a skill of the mind that can be acquired through self-effort a capacity to shape the way that we see, process and interpret our reality and the things around us. It can be developed like any other competence.”

Man is the happiest when he is young. He does not yearn for anything. He does not seek happiness in wealth and success. Whereas in the present era, mature man seeks happiness in wealth, entertainment and success. And ultimately, he is deprived of true happiness.

Is happiness related to our circumstances and life’s event?

We should keep in mind that every situation and event will come as a test in our life, and acceptance is the key to solving evproblemlems. Because even the smallest thing can make. And sometimes, we miss happiness due to a lack of understanding and awareness about the situation.

Happiness is also related to our situation for instance if a child scores outstanding performance in the curriculum that givesesstoo to s his parents. unmatched happiness. So there are ups and down in human life. Man can’t always be happy or in grief.

Seeking happiness with others, right or wrong?

Yes, true! The key is to cultivate and maintain loving, faithful relationships with other people.
By empathizing with others, by helping or serving them, we can experience happiness. One can never be happy by displeasing or violating another’s highlights

Happiness cannot be attained by hurting someone’s self-respect or causing physical emotional or mental harm to other. A person feels real happiness by being polite and giving their due rights. Man can never attain happiness by nurturing selfishness and hatred in his mind.

Remember, “Money Can’t Buy Happiness” it’s the right quote. Though it can bring temporary happiness, that will not lasting happiness. So wealth is one aspect of happiness. But your money can bring happiness in other’s life by sharing it.

They don’t hold on to resentment or ill feeling. As this will disturb your peace of mind. Happy people don’t allow themselves to be controlled by negative emotions or memories of the past. They are not vengeful and easily forgive others for their mistakes.

Cheerfulness and positivity connected with happiness ?

Yes! we can’t change the past as well can not predict the future. So always be optimistic about everything. Do some selfless work, change your paradigm, change your frame of mind and then go find a higher cause. Do something useful with your life, do something that will bring meaning and value to you and others around you, and contribute positively in a way that will make you internally and externally happy. And your happiness will be multiplied if you bring a smile to someone’s life.

Practising gratitude can be an antidote to sadness and negativity. And it’s been proven that practising gratitude can rewire your brain to improve your happiness levels in the long run!