Isra and Miraj : The Miraculous Night Journey

“The Israa and Miraj refer to, two parts of a miraculous journey that Prophet Muhammad took in one night from Makka to Jerusalem and then an ascension to the heavens”.

“Glory be to the One Who took His servant Muḥammad by night from the Sacred Mosque to the Farthest Mosque whose surroundings We have blessed, so that We may show him some of Our signs. Indeed, He alone is the All-Hearing, All-Seeing”. (Qur’an 17: 1)

In the Quran, Isra refers to the miraculous night journey undertaken by the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) from the sacred mosque in Mecca to the furthest mosque in Jerusalem, and then his ascension to the heavens (Mi’raj) where he received the commandment of prayer. This event is mentioned in Surah Al-Isra (chapter 17) of the Quran. Further, Prophet Muhammad pbuh received the commandment of prayer and the Last verse of Surah baqra. It serves as the basis for the Islamic tradition of five daily prayers. The event also serves as a reminder of the importance of prayer and the need to prioritize spiritual pursuits in daily life.The important aspect of this journey is Salaah which is compulsory on Ummah.

This journey was a spiritual and physical experience during which Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) saw Paradise and Hell, solidifying his conviction. It is a test of faith for believers to believe in the possibility of anything for the sake of Almighty Allah. This event is considered a test of faith for believers, as it demonstrates the power and majesty of Allah and the reality of the afterlife.

The story of Isra and Mi’raj, the night journey of Prophet Muhammad pbuh from Mecca to Jerusalem and his ascension to heaven, is briefly mentioned in the Quran because the Qur’an primary focus is on conveying essential beliefs and principles, Hereafter, the revelation of the Quran which is guidance for mankind. It does not provide elaborate details on historical or narrative events. Instead, it refers to them briefly to reinforce and illustrate the broader teachings of the faith. When Prophet Muhammad pbuh already explained about the visit then there is no further details are necessary.

The Isra and Mi’raj event is one of the most significant events in Islamic history where Prophet Muhammad pbuh led the prayers with all prophets in the mosque of Jerusalem. The journey is also significant because it affirmed the Prophet Muhammad’s status as the final prophet, as he met with previous prophets such as Adam, Ibrahim, Moses, and Jesus pbuh during his journey.

Prophet Muhammad PBUH “A Man of Character”!

“Muhammad was the soul of kindness, and his influence was felt and never forgotten by those around him.”

* A Slight Shadow of His Character *

#Before attaining prophethood, Prophet Muhammad’s PBUH was known among the people as Al-Ameen, the trustworthy, and Al-Sadique, the truthful. Though he retained the title after proclaiming his prophethood, even his worst enemies could not find any weaknesses or flaws in his spotless character. There was no paradox between his private life and his public life. The opponent of Islam, Abu Jahl, used to deny the message, but he considered Prophet Muhammed PBUH truthful and trustworthy. Abu Jahl once said to the Prophet PBUH: ‘We do not disbelieve you. We disbelieve your message.’

When Qaiser of Rome asked Abu Sufyan, their head: “Before his claim to prophethood, did you ever hear Muhammad tell a lie? Abu Sufyan, the Chief of Makkah, replied, “no”.

#Once, Makkan had a dispute that who will lay the black stone in the holy kabba. They mutually decided that a person who will enter first in the holy Kabba will lay the black stone in its place. The next morning coincidentally, Prophet Muhammad PBUH entered the holy Kabba first, and everyone was happy to see him. As he was known for his righteousness and good judgement, and they trusted his verdict. The Prophet settled the dispute by proposing that the Black Stone be placed on a cloth and that each clan hold a corner of the cloth, then he would place the Black Stone in its final place with his hands. How wisely he solved the dispute!

#Abu Bakr was the best friend and loyal supporter of Prophet Mohammad (PBUH). They asked him if he believed the Prophet Muhammad travelled overnight to Jerusalem and back to Mecca. Without hesitation, Abu Bakr replied, “If the messenger of God said so, then it is true.” This is Abu Bar’s r.a statement.

#Muhammad, the Last Prophet (PBUH), made his way to Mount Safa, the most well-known elevation in the whole of Makkah, to announce Islam to its people at a time when 360 idols were placed around the Kaaba. He felt no fear, nor any anticipation. Yaga stood in a high place and exclaimed, “Ya Sabaha-hu. His voice resounded on the mountain and attracted the attention of the people. Large crowds from various tribes hurried toward him to hear what he was going to say. Muhammad, The Last Prophet, PBUH turned to them and said, “O people! Will you believe me if I say there is an army marching behind this mountain which is about to attack you?

They all answered, “Of course, we would. We have not heard a lie from you throughout your life. “

#When the prophet conveyed the message of Islam to the people of Makkah, the chiefs and the tribes saw it as a threat to their existing political power and control. After all, the prophet proposed that there would be no tribes or men superior to others. Slaves and masters belonged to whomever and were to be treated equally in society. This idea of equality outraged them, and hence they denied the prophet’s proposal for a new legislative free government. So the Prophet PBUH went to Taif and decided that he could propose these divine commands to the chiefs of Taif, but there too, the chiefs did not want to give up on their long and powerful hold in society. They didn’t accept the message, but rather Prophet PBUH was pelted with stones and abused physically while chasing him out of the city. When he reached out from Makkah to the city of Taif, he took refuge in the garden.

At that moment, Angel Jibreel came to Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and asked him if he wished Allah could order an angel to collapse the two mountains surrounding the people of Taif and crush them.

How did Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) react to those who had insulted him and thrown stones at him? He opted for mercy, not violence towards them. He was not overcome with rage or hate. Instead of seeking revenge against the people of Taif, he said to Angel Jibreel, “I would rather hope that Allah will raise from among their descendant’s people those who will worship Allah the One and will not ascribe partners to Him.”

This shows the empathy and love of the prophet for the whole of mankind, even if they were arrogant enemies. The Prophet (PBUH) demonstrated the highest possible level of patience and character. His love was so strong that when his adopted son, Zaid bin Harith RA, grew up and met his biological parents, Zaid RA refused to go along with his parents and preferred to stay with the prophet because he was in love with the prophet’s immense affection and character. The servant could be faithful and honest to his owner, but to acknowledge him as a messenger is to show the highest level of belief in his owner, Prophet Muhammad PBUH, as proved by his attitude, behaviour, and character.

#When the Holy Prophet conquered Makkah, he forgave the person who had killed his beloved uncle, Hazrat Hamza RA. He forgave Hinda, the wife of Abu Sufyan, who humiliated the Prophet’s uncle. He forgave Abu Sufyan, who was the chief of Makkah and also the commander of the wars fought against the Muslims.

When the Prophet conquered Makkah and gathered people at a place, he asked them what they expected of him, and they all replied unanimously, “You are the son of a noble person and you’ll show mercy.” That was the reputation of the Holy Prophet. He forgave everyone, even though they were the same people who plotted to kill him.

He could have ruled the whole of the Arabian Peninsula and lived a king-sized life..a comfortable life, but he never desired worldly pleasures. He instead preferred a more humble and respectable one. The Sheila family were the custodians of the Kabba.
After the victory of Makkah, he asked the Sheila family to maintain the legacy of custodians of the Kabba.

#In the last year of his life, when he was delivering the Farewell Pilgrimage sermon at Mount Arafat, he reiterated the commandments of God once more.
After each teaching that he reminded them of, the Prophet added: ‘Have I conveyed the Message? To which they responded, each time with great enthusiasm: “Yes, you have conveyed it!” He then would call upon God to witness their words (Abu Dawud).

#Bernard Shaw said about him:

“He must be called the Savior of humanity I believe that if a man like him were to assume the dictatorship of the modern world, he would succeed in solving its problems in a way that would bring it much-needed peace and happiness (The Genuine Islam, Singapore, Vol. 1, No. X, 1936).

Surely, he devoted his whole life to delivering God’s message. Undoubtedly, no one can be more truthful, kind, and honest than the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). Though he doesn’t need any kind of certificate to prove his character, just as “does the sun need any evidence for its brightness”?

As he truly possessed the best of character, even God states in the Holy Quran in Chapter 68, Surah Al-Qalm, verse 4.

“And verily, you (O Muhammad PBUH) are of an exalted standard of character.”

Ibn Qayyim quoted, “Religion is nothing but good character.”

Prophet Muhammad pbuh was an epitome of sublime manners. The one who is perfect in character would be perfect in Deen. For this purpose, the man with the highest level of character was selected to establish an ideal-characterized way of life for times and generations to come. The Qur’an emphasises developing good character and conduct which shine through our personality, which includes our relationships with the Lord and with people.

Prophet pbuh said: “Nothing weighs heavier in the balance on the Day of Judgment than good character. [Sunan al-Trimidhī, Sunan Abī Dawūd]

May Allah make us follow the footsteps of Prophet Muhammad PBUH!