Helping other !

Do we observe when we plant a seed how it grows ? The sun gives its light to it, the air helps it to blossom, the night gives it energy. Against all odds, a small and tiny seed rises from darkness and beautifies the whole universe and blooms in variety of shades and color, adding beauty to nature which gives great aesthetic pleasure as well as serveing man selflessly with all their potential. Nature gives us the silent message that whatever resources we are bestowed with should be shared out. And if each and every person will realise their responsibility individually then the world would be in a different scenario, how each drop of rain makes a wonderful shower. Being human, we should adopt the same idealogy whatever goodness we have been blessed so we should help other to grow.

The word sharing has a vast definition, it’s not just the matter of food or money we share..We can share everything e.g our money, our food, our time, our ability, our intellect, our emotion etc. Every human is born rich, one can think that how we are born rich…God has endowed us with the different kinds of faculty. We just have to look at our own being, got eyes to see the beautiful world, brain and mind to think and access, our part of body which is sound and healthy. Though many people are there around us those who are deprived of these blessings, we should help and suport them by showing kindness to them. Technology has made us more isolated than before. Sometimes people are so confused and couldn’t decide what to do. Thus, we can contribute towards humanity by giving them right advice and consoling them is also a act of good deeds.

And for all are degrees from what they have done. And your Lord is not unaware of what they do. (Qur’an 6 : 132)

“..and to parents do good and to relatives, orphans, and the needy. And speak to people good [words]. (Qur’an 2 : 83 )

Here in this life, some get more or some get less, our entire life is being tested. In this temporary period of life, God wants to test that how we deal with it. Whether we are grateful if it’s less or become arrogant if having more ? What kind of attitudes we adopt? Showing kindness towards His creation or being rude.

“Every good deed is charity. Verily, it is a good deed to meet your brother with a cheerful face, and to pour what is left from your bucket into the vessel of your brother”. (al-Tirmidhi)

The wisdom of the Prophet pbub lies in expanding the scope of goodness so that it becomes within the scope of each individual. If charity or goodness were to remain restricted to tangible things or to money, many persons would be prevented from doing humanitarian deeds and much wealth would remain locked up within individuals with no one benefiting and no one discovering its rich and abundant meaning. Anyhow, each soul will leave all their belongings and wealth in this world, can’t take anything with them. God, the Creator is our Master. Mankind is writing their test in the form of action and deeds. All our records are noted by our Creator. Our final success is depend how we spent our lives.

“Whoever grants respite to someone in difficulty or alleviates him, Allah will shade him on the Day of Resurrection when there is no shade but his”. ( At-Tirmidhi)

Give What You Love !

“Never will you attain the good [reward] until you spend [in the way of Allah ] from that which you love. And whatever you spend – indeed, Allah is Knowing of it”. (Qur’an 3 : 92)

“And whatever you spend in good, it is for yourselves, when you spend not except seeking Allah’s Countenance. And whatever you spend in good, it will be repaid to you in full, and you shall not be wronged.” (Qur’an 2 : 272)

“And whatever you spend in good, surely Allah knows it well.” (Qur’an 2 : 273)

The Messenger of Allah pbuh said, “Envy is permitted only in two cases: A man whom Allah gives wealth, and he disposes of it rightfully, and a man to whom Allah gives knowledge which he applies and teaches it.” [Al-Bukhari and Muslim]

In the above verse, Allah has precisely shown the criteria for attaing the goodness and removing the wrong notion of ‘righteousness’ which should not be consisted of outward or formal action. The actual piety is that you spend your money for the sake of Allah. If we truly love Allah then will spend the most lovable assets in His way. The real spirit of righteousness consists in the love of God. This verse addressing to hypocrites and the people of the book who had taken the religion as a ritual and the essence of relgion was lost. Here, Allah has set the condition that whatever we spend or give in charity should be solely for Allah’s pleasure. As actions are judged by our intentions. Every single act we perform has an intention to it whether we are consciously aware of it or not, therefore, the basis of any good deed is sincerity to Allah.

Prophet Muhammad pbuh said, “Deeds will be judged in accordance with intentions and unto everyone will be a reward consistent with what he intended.” [Bukhari]

Just by saying by our tounges is not enough, rather our intentions is to please Him alone what we love the most, expecting rewards only from Him. The conceptual point is to sacrifice only for Allah– it is spiritually enlightening that illuminates our hearts. While spending the things we need the most of it. After obligatory charity if we spend anything with the intention to appease Allah not to show off (riya /ریا). On the day of judgement not only our deeds will be weighed but our emotions, feelings and intentions will be measured. Allah will reveal the truth on the day judgment that our deeds were to please Him or were for any other intentions, e.g to satisfy our ego, for the people or for any other purpose behind it, then our all deeds would be worthless. As Allah knows our heart. Let’s purify our intentions and sacrifice only for Allah, no matter our small acts would be rewarded abundantly. InshaAllah

“….My reward is only from Allah , and I have been commanded to be of those who surrender (unto Him)”.(Qur’an 10 : 72)

Prophet Muhammad pbuh said, “Allah, the Exalted, says, `Spend, O son of Adam, you will also be spent upon.” [Al – Bukhari and Muslim].