Life’s Tests: Patience & Gratitude

“In every condition, our obedience and submission is tested with ‘Patience and Gratitude’. Naturally, happiness and sadness are the only two conditions one experiences in life”.

God tests human beings in various ways throughout their lives. These tests are seen as a means to evaluate one’s faith, sincerity, and devotion. Every individual is tested in the following aspects:

Honor and Disgrace: God tests individuals by placing them in situations where their honor or reputation may be at stake. This can involve facing criticism, false accusations, or challenging circumstances that may affect one’s standing in society. These tests can also bestow individuals with honor, respect, and fame.

Health and Sickness: God tests us by granting good health or afflicting us with illness. Through these tests, individuals are reminded of their dependence on God and are encouraged to seek His mercy and guidance in times of both wellness and sickness.

Profit and Loss: God tests us with prosperity and adversity in matters of wealth and material possessions. This test challenges individuals to demonstrate gratitude and contentment when blessed with abundance and patience and resilience in times of financial difficulty or loss.

Grief and Happiness: God tests us with moments of joy and times of sorrow. These tests serve as reminders of the transient nature of life and the importance of relying on God’s guidance and strength during both moments of celebration and times of hardship.

While people often perceive suffering or hardships as detrimental, they can serve as a means to purify and fortify an individual’s faith, character, and perseverance. Therefore, it is important to face these tests with patience, trust in God, and a steadfast commitment to one’s beliefs.

Every person is in one of these states at all times, and they can be divided into two pairs of states: good and bad. This means that a person will either be in a state of honor or disgrace, health or illness. So Allah tests individuals in two states: either a person is grateful in good states or not, and whether they are patient in bad states or not.

Thus, two papers are formed: one paper of gratitude and the other of patience. If a person expresses gratitude in good states, they have passed the paper, whereas showing ingratitude leads to failure. Similarly, exhibiting patience in the paper of patience leads to success, while impatience leads to failure.

This life is a continuous examination where we have to give two papers: one of patience and the other of gratitude. When God created Prophet Adam (peace be upon him) and tested him, He also tested him with these two papers. The first was the paper of gratitude, which consisted of the blessings of Paradise, and the second was the paper of patience, which involved refraining from eating the forbidden fruit. Unfortunately, Satan prevented them from succeeding in the paper of patience.

The devil comes to humans in various forms and shapes, often associated with temptation, evil, and spiritual corruption. Sometimes, the devil takes the guise of wealth and power. His influence can be seen not only in the pursuit of wealth but also in the fear of poverty. Both scenarios involve a distortion of values, a departure from compassion and empathy, and a focus on material gain as the ultimate measure of success. By capitalizing on these vulnerabilities, the devil can manipulate human desires and choices, leading individuals away from a virtuous path and towards spiritual and moral degradation.

Therefore, it is crucial to strive to be obedient slaves of God and accept whatever life throws at us. It’s important to remember that nothing in this world is permanent, neither the good times nor the bad times.

The Importance of Mental Well-being in Attaining a Meaningful life

“Your mental health is everything prioritize it. Make the time like your life depends on it, because it does”. (Mel Robbins)

Physical health and well-being depend on the quality of mental health. If a person is not mentally healthy for any reason, its effects are manifested throughout the body because the brain controls all the body systems. Mental weakness or illness gives rise to numerous neurological, psychological, and physical ailments. According to the World Health Organization, approximately 500 million people worldwide suffer from some form of mental disorder, with the most prevalent being depression and schizophrenia. Each year, eight million people worldwide succumb to mental illnesses by taking their own lives. Despite this, very little money is spent on the treatment and care of mental illnesses worldwide. According to the Association of Mental Health, approximately 1.5 million people in developing countries are affected by mental health issues, while only 2% of the allocated budget for healthcare in such countries is spent on mental illnesses and their treatment.

The biggest problem with mental illness is that instead of experiencing the symptoms of the disease, the patient often experiences strange restlessness and urgency. The most commonly observed mental and psychological disorders include anxiety, worry, agitation, nervous tension, decreased sensation, Alzheimer’s, preference for solitude, insomnia and sleep disorders, excessive sleep and taking naps, cessation of breathing during sleep, madness, Parkinson’s disease, tremors, envy, memory weakness, phobia, lack of self-confidence, domination of negative thoughts, depression, mental breakdown, migraine, frustration, sense of deprivation, paralysis and paralysis, death anxiety, and hysteria, among others. People suffering from various psychological and mental illnesses either do not feel hungry at all or are so preoccupied with their thoughts and concerns that they do not pay attention to food. Some patients have trouble sleeping, or sleep is delayed due to disturbing thoughts. They frequently wake up during the night and experience a state of restlessness.

Although fatigue and weakness are symptoms of various physical illnesses, mental patients feel very weak without any apparent reason and get tired quickly. In addition to physical weakness, they also experience lack if interest in many important aspect of life like family, relationships and friend circle. They do not pay attention to personal things too. Sadness, distress, anxiety, or fear are evident on their faces. Most psychological disorders can be identified through the patient’s conversation. Some become silent, do not respond, or give very brief answers. Some have unrelated conversations. On the other hand, some patients start speaking continuously without thinking. In addition, talking during sleep, muttering, unwarranted anger, muscle tension, unhealthy digestion habit, breathing difficulties, headaches, back and joint pain, all can be symptoms of psychological and brain disorders.

The mental and emotional factors of a human have a significant impact on their body, leading to various complex mental, physical, and psychological illnesses. In addition to modern advancements, the decline in human values, the decrease in social relationships, and the deteriorating quality of mental health due to loneliness are rapidly destroying happiness in life. In big cities, the lack of sleep due to late nights also leads to sleep deprivation, irritability, anger, depression, muscular tension, and many other complications.

Furthermore, today, many individuals experience feelings of instability, restlessness, and anxiety. A significant contributing factor to these mental health issues is the weakened faith in divine existence. Why are these issues increasing drastically? The answer lies in our failure to accept our destiny and the misconception that we have complete control over everything. This is an illusion of the mind. We must remember that we did not enter this world by our own will, and we will not depart from hteaches our choice

If we strengthen our relationship with the Lord who is the best Healer. Then how is it possible for us to fall prey to severe diseases, depression, phobias, AIDS, and others? Because spiritual growth is very important for our emotional well-being as well as for flourishing with health and vitality on a physical level. Just as physical ailments are treated with medical prescriptions, salvation from all heart and soul issues and diseases, and the healing of the body and soul are only achievable through mental purity and agility, spiritual enlightenment and purity, correction of intentions and aspirations, and the elevation of character. These essential fruits are part of a beautiful example that mankind has always needed and will continue to need.

Nevertheless, it is important to understand a fundamental fact about our efforts: there are things within our power or control, and there are things beyond our power or control. We should focus on the things within our area of influence while acknowledging that there are aspects beyond our sphere of control or capacity. Therefore, let us do our best and entrust the rest to the Creator, ensuring that we are not adversely affected by the situation.

Secondly, it is crucial to recognize that the circumstances, whether favorable or unfavorable, that a person encounters in this world are tests. Each individual faces varying levels of tests, but it is important to remember that everything is temporary. If a person remains patient and steadfast, they can overcome the situation. Conversely, if they complain, become frustrated, engage in negative actions, and succumb to distress, they will be overwhelmed by the situation, negatively impacting their mental state and emotional well-being.

It is necessary to maintain mental and psychological health that we get 8 hours of sleep daily so that physical and mental fatigue of the day can be eliminated. Eat calmly and peacefully, avoid negative habits such as anger, envy, and hatred. During anger, always maintain self-control. Always greet people with kindness and love inside the house, at work, and on the streets, making love and respect our motto. Overlook small matters.

Do not let every word affect our mind. If you hear or see something disagreeable, try to forget it. Show love and respect to the young and elderly. Instead of seeking love, become a distributor of love. Avoid greed, covetousness, and lust. Stay away from all kinds of addictions. Never let feelings of inferiority dominate us. Along with divine worship, practice meditation, which means focusing with silence and harmony, and embrace the practice of physical activity, which serves as a panacea for both mental and physical well-being. Always embrace hope and positive thinking in order to lead a fulfilling life. Worry and despair weaken the human mind, turning it into a breeding ground for ailments. Laughter and happiness are crucial for mental and physical well-being.

The purpose of human life is to recognize that purpose. A person who identifies and acts upon this purpose is successful. They follow divine commandments, love themselves, value other human beings, remain happy and content, never losing themselves in the darkness of deprivation and despair. They know that they have been created for this universe, and all the blessings have been created for them. Every beauty, joy, and abundance has been dedicated to them, and they have been bestowed with the light of reason to attain all these blessings. So be optimistic in life !

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