The Choice is “Yours” !

There is only one God who is the creator of everything that exists in this Universe so turn to Him only !

We live in a time zone, whereas God is beyond the time zone. He knows everything about our past, present, and future with his infinite knowledge. The most extraordinary gift given to humans as the most perfect creatures of God’s creation is to be given the mind, heart, intellect, and body. These are the body’s power points through which we perceive, analyze and make judgment. It would be of no use if we didn’t have free will and free choice. These are the tools to make the decision. For instance, if you have a pen but you need ink to write without ink you cannot write. Similarly, free will and free choice is the tool for the heart, mind, eyes and intellect to understand the reality.

What is reality?

The students have been given a blank paper on which to write their responses. They will pass only if they write the correct answer. Just like that, we have to go on to the true path with our consciousness. That’s why we are not pre-programmed like other creations, otherwise the attribute is of no use. The heart, mind, eyes, and ears are the most valuable parts of human beings that allow us to choose the right path.

What is the truth ?

Reality is always behind the curtain of this universe. As it’s difficult to understand the mystry of this universe, which is beyond man’s reach. He hasn’t come with his wish, and neither will the planet. We have no control over some aspects of life, like birth (gender), death , provision, calamity, and disease. If we think about it enough, we’ll realise that one supreme being is running the show and we’re just pawns in it. Because man has two selves, one physical and one spiritual. Man can try to understand physical realities to some extent, but he can grasp unseen spiritual realities. Man needs special guidance, whereas other species don’t require external guidance.

God has given us free will to test us in this world, and He does not interfere in our affairs in any way, so we have the ability to make decisions. Now what is predestiny? The following examples will help us understand the importance of free will and choice.

If someone has been selected as a state governor, He has complete authority and power to make decisions for his state. This entirely depends upon his decision, which not only strengthens his position and power but also benefits others. He should keep in mind that higher authority is reserved with central authority. This is what destiny and the free will we human beings possess. The choice or decision is to integrate humanity or break up. That’s why belief in one true God is very important, which binds humanity in one thread.

Again, making an effort is a part of the power we have in the form of free will—if we waste it away with a self-satisfied attitude, then we’re being ungrateful for the blessing we have. We must do everything within our power to optimise our lives—at the same time, we must recognise that God’s power and domain are far greater. He is considering not only us, but all of humanity and the entire universe!

Same thing here. We are given free will and choice within certain criteria and have the authority to take a good step or bad step, which is solely our choice. Certainly, human beings will be held responsible for their actions. So choose wisely!

The consequences of our choice directly or indirect affects our life. As we have limited free will in this world. Even our limited choices have consequences that are often beyond our control. However, servitude to God allows us to vastly expand our freedom of choice.

“You are free to choose,

but you are not free from the

consequences of your choice”…

God is Omniscient and Omnipresent—i.e., he is fully aware of his creation and is always present. He is also All-Powerful, so whatever He decrees takes place, but God wills only justice and goodness.

God is All-Knowing and Most-Wise!!

God knows best.

Inner Dimensions of Worshipping

Psychology research reveals the human behavior/attitudes of individuals relating to their personla issues as well as religious aspects. From a Muslim perspective, psychology is the study of the soul, that ensuring behavioral, emotional, and mental process, as well as the seen and unseen aspects that influence these elements affects man at large level. We’re here on this Earth to worship Allah. Quran says: “And I did not create the jinn and mankind except to worship Me”. (51: 56)

Our ultimate goal is to pass the test of this life and earn the reward, in sha’ Allah. That’s the reason, the urge to worship God is innate and deeply-rooted in human nature. This is what his very nature demands. Worshipping God is inherent in human nature. Nothing can give man true satisfaction execpt worship of God.

Just as a little child spontaneously rushes to hug its mother, driven by a compulsive inner urge, so too impelled by an inner voice, man is driven to rush towards God. Man cannot change his inner personality. Hence God cannot be removed from his heart and mind.

▪︎Evidence From Anthropology

This fact has been proved in modern findings of Anthropology. Anthropologists have studied a number of human societies from the dawn of history to the present day. They discovered, among other things, a very important fact—that despite life’s ups and downs, man has always been a worshipper of God. God and religion are so integral a part of human nature that under no circumstance can they be separated from it. The Encyclopedia Americana summarizes this finding in the following words:

From the earliest days of the world’s history, man has been more or less a religious creature. Almost invariably he has had a god, or several of them, to whom he looked for protection. At times these gods have been crude fetishes of whittled wood or roughly hewn stone; at times they have assumed the form of animals or reptiles, or have appeared as cruel monsters eager for the life-blood of those who reverenced them. But, however they may have come, man has worshipped them, because religion, as represented in the worship of a super-natural power, is interwoven with the entire fabric of human nature. (Encyclopedia Americana, 1961, vol. XXIII, p. 354)

It is a fact that consciousness of God is embedded in man’s nature, this being how man was created. That said, this consciousness lies dormant. That is why when man does not find the true God, he begins to worship artificial, self-created gods. The urge to worship emerges from a compulsion rooted in his own nature. If he follows the guidance of God’s prophets, this urge will find its answer in the form of the worship of the one God. And if he does not follow this guidance, he will worship beings other than God, treating them as God to satisfy this urge.

Man’s purpose is just one, the same purpose as that of his Creator and Master in creating him. If man closely examines his nature, he will discover signs of God in himself. Prophets help people to express their inactive innate desire to recognize and worship God. This belief helps men to have a wider perception in their lives also distinguish it from other creation.